Since I've had no complications the Dr. usually does not do a second ultrasound. But considering the fact my sister had HUGE babies they've scheduled one for me tomorrow afternoon. I'm almost 37 weeks so if the baby is already weighing heavy/measuring big they'll induce me soon. If not, we'll play the waiting game! I'm so nervous/anxious!!
I'll be sure to report back! I'm a little nervous, they'll have to really watch where they shine that ultrasound. I don't want to find out what the sex of my baby is weeks before having him/her!!
Take caution, though. The ultrasounds are still +/- a whole pound or more. I had one that determined that my baby was at 8 pounds 2 weeks before her due date so they induced me. She was born weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces! And her head was cocked sideways because she wasn't ready to come out yet. Her "cone" was on the side of her head, and they had to pull her out w/ forceps.
So even if the ultrasound shows the baby to be big, he still might not be. So don't worry!!!!!