I haven't been on in a very long time because I had been having a very difficult time with my pregnancy. I was completely unable to eat due to vomiting. I also have a fibroid which is causing me lots of pain and up until week 15, I was nearly dead with it. I have lost 12 pounds and have only gained about 4 back. By my next appointment, the doctor is hoping I can gain some more back.
Now, at nearly 19 weeks, I feel a world better. Although the sickness is gone, I am still in pain. This makes it difficult to walk or do much of anything. But, I can at least leave the house now.
We have an ultrasound appointment on the 28th to find out the sex of the baby. I was really hoping to get to a prenatal exercise class, but in my curfrent condition, that is't going to happen.
I had to quit school and my job. I mostly sit around the house all day. Its boring, but at least I am getting the rest I need.
That's all for now. How is everyone doing? There seems to be more expecting momma's on here now.