When I was pregnant with my daughter three years ago, I mainly shopped at gap.com, oldnavy.com, target and pea in the pod (for pants...I found it really tough to find good quality maternity pants so I ended up spending a lot on 4-5 pairs of nice pants for work).
I'm pregnant again (still early...) and know that I will want to buy a few new things later this fall/winter. While I don't need to buy anything for awhile, it's fun to look!
What are your favorite maternity clothes websites?
--Someone posted earlier about japaneseweekend.com...love their clothes!!
mel - I have to find out you're pregnant on the forum?!? I know, I know, you probably didn't want to bother me with all that I have on my plate. I'm calling you right now.
I will probably need to buy some stuff sooner than I expected. My regular pants are a bit tight because I am so bloated. Weird thing too, my shoes all don't fit. WTHeck? I need to buy size 11 now?
When I was pregnant with my daughter fall-spring, I found the BEST stuff at Gap. 95% of my Maternity wardrobe is from there! I think their quality is awesome, and they have great clearance, especially online. What I like about Gap Maternity is that it's all clothes/styles I would wear normally, just in maternity sizes, so I didn't feel like I was wearing 'typical' preggo clothes. Anyway, just wanted to add that tidbit!
Weird thing too, my shoes all don't fit. WTHeck? I need to buy size 11 now?
Irene my friend who is having a baby in a few days said her feet were swollen for like her whole pregnancy. She had a lot of problems with it, I think she had to buy bigger shoes too. Just one of the things that happens to some women during pregnancy I guess. Ah the joys, right?