For the nursery. There are so many things out there to buy and being a first time mom I don't know it they're NEEDED or just for looks. Like diaper stackers, toy bags, etc. Opinions??
As for furniture - I think we've decided on what we're getting. The crib that converts to a day bed then a full size bed (solid headboard), matching dresser with changing area on it, and an armoire. All from Babies R Us.
The bedding from the Gap has been bought - bumper, blanket, sheets, quilt. We even bought an extra couple of sheets which I'm having a valance made for the window. So that it coordinates.
I love, it has a checklist of things you need vs things that are "extra" helps put together a to-do list for everything. I've been using it to help keep my organized..
Just to start it off: diaper stackers are completely unnecessary. If you have a changing table you'll store diapers there. We bought one and now, he's three, and it's never been used...I think it's still hanging inside the closet door!
Leah_Leanna wrote: Just to start it off: diaper stackers are completely unnecessary. If you have a changing table you'll store diapers there. We bought one and now, he's three, and it's never been used...I think it's still hanging inside the closet door!
I use mine. I think it's a preference thing though...My changing table has drawers, but that's where I store exta linens. I saw the diaper stacker as an oppurtunity to add more color to the room too... I think the one thing I am most thankful for in my nursery is the rocker/glider. I did not have one with my first. it's a nice comfy place to rock the baby, or as I often do, sit and watch her sleep.
I'm by no means a specialist in this area...(I'm first time Mommy too ) but I got this really fantastic book that has helped me narrow down my list... I bought it at Target but you can get it on amazon for a few buck less It's called Getting Ready for Baby: The Ultimate Organizer for the Mom-to-Be I love, it has a checklist of things you need vs things that are "extra" helps put together a to-do list for everything. I've been using it to help keep my organized.. Hth!
Thanks for posting about the book I'll have to go get it now
I always used the diaper stackers for all 3 of my kids, but some people use the cute baskets for that. I used my baskets to hide more unsightly items like extra packs of wipes, lotions, meds, etc. I'd also fold blankets that I used frequently to put in the baskets.
I found that the stuff I found most helpful were a wipe warmer (for cold-weather babies), a diaper genie (very handy once you figure it out), and a glider rocker. I never used my Boppy, but some people love them. I just found it annoying. I found that cheap cloth diapers worked much better as burp cloths than the ones with padding down the middle. I also found really cute clothes with lots of snaps, buttons, and straps very useless. At least for the first 3 months. You want something easy for new babies because they are always spitting up and need frequent diaper changes. Onesies and gowns/sacques were the best for that time period.
I also didn't use the Pack n Play much, but some people do. I did like little activity mats with dangling things. My kids all loved that stuff!
the absolute must for me a bed bumper guard thingy that you put on toddler beds. mercie ended up sleeping with us until she was 7 months old, and i really felt more comfortable puting her on the side with the bumper and me sleeping in the middle so that my hubby didn't accidentally roll over and squish her. he's a pretty big guy and sleeps like a rock. but even if she only slept with us for a couple of months, it was worth it. i now use it on her big girl bed.
another thing that was a huge help was next to the changing table, i had a kind of shelf that was a laundry basket with a lid and shelf combo. i kept the powder, diapers, etc.. on top of that cause i allways had a problem with grabbing stuff from under the changing table. i would spill powder on a daily basis. this way i could see everything and then just toss dirty clothes into the laundry basket.
Not so long ago - I came across an article about denim fashion trends the latest and greatest and my curiosity immediately sparked. I have always been a fan of jeans and loved to follow the latest trends in this area. In the article, I found interesting details about how denim became the protagonist of the fashion catwalk this season. I learned about the return of skinny jeans and high-waisted classics. Different styles and shades of denim were also mentioned, from vintage to multicolored. This information inspired me to update my wardrobe and experiment with new denim looks. Now I know what trends to consider when buying jeans next.