We finally leave on Tuesday for China to adopt our daughter! Our wait was much longer than we expected...but we're so thankful and excited to be leaving in just 5 days!
i forgot which province you are going to and how old your daughter is. What is her name? DO you have a blog?
things I found really helpful on our trip.......
rubber bands duck tape ziplocks--all sizes 2 black trash bag-- to throw things away at the hotel. I have heard if you leave things they will come get you and bring it back to you. We threw away all kinds of things to make room for new purchases. Like the food or stuff camille didn't like, a blanket (it got so dirty), shoes, my clothes, a baby snugli that stunk and was so uncomfortable, etc.) gifts for all the workers stacking cups for a toy blow up beach ball ---doesn't take much space back pack---this will be your diaper bag for day trips take a book for the nannies to sign at the orphanage or foster parents---I love you like Crazy Cakes or similar book
our group took stuff to have a birthday party for all the birthdays that were missed. I don't know if you are travelling alone or in a group about 25 singles for tips, etc. only about 15 - 20 diapers-- you can buy them there and they are just the same not very many wipes -- they also have those there and they are heavy a couple of toys, books pedialtye baby tylenol mylecon different bottles and nipples --- fast flow white noise maker flashlight converter for outlets cheerios---they are different in china no formula-- we used chinese until we got home 1/2 the food you think you will need for yourself ipod, ipod speakers chinese lullabies cd for going to sleep thermos for hot water and bottles about 2 or 3 outfits for yourself (then I threw all mine away) confortable shoes baby sling warm baby coat and hat---the chinese dress their babies so warm baby blanket bibs baby spoons---can't find them there
tube for prints if you are going to buy art
buy more than you think you will want in china---it is so cheap
pearls--fantastic....appraise at about 10 times their cost in china we got camille 16 little gifts for gotcha day for the next 16 years clothes and squeaky shoes---super cheap and cute porcelain--- chop sticks---really cheap $3 for 12 pair....make great little gifts tied with a ribbon tea art fake watch if you want one--i got a cartier for $6 (they have cartiers catalogue and you just pick what you want, actually they have every designer's catalogue---it is nuts)